Saturday, January 7, 2017

Snow Days

We had a snow day yesterday!! Unfortunately it meant no driving to the gym, but I still managed to get 10,000 steps and 5 miles around my tiny home. 


Thursday, I woke up sick, again. I have no idea what my crazy body is trying to do to me. My husband convinced me to take it easy, so I did. Then that evening, I was feeling upset because I hadn't met my Fitbit goals and I was going back and forth on whether or not to go to the gym to try and catch up. After wishy washing myself, my honey offered to drive me to the gym, take the kids for dessert, and come back for me, since he knew the driving was the part I was dreading most. ❤❤ So, a picture of post walk Caitlin and her Mr. Hunk.


Tonight was a good night at the gym. I walked a mile, used weight machines for 30 minutes or so, and then walked 40 minutes, just over 2 more miles. I'm feeling accomplished. 


Today's stats!


Something else I'm proud about, my fitbit keeps track of my heart rate and in doing so also gives me a Cardio Fitness score. When I first started wearing this new Fitbit, my score was 20-22. Now, it's this!


Not a huge difference, but it's better. It makes me happy!

I also got my newBible yesterday. I'm 7 days behind, so I plan on doing two studies every day this week to catch up! I'm excited to share some of that here too. It's a big part of this journey. Being healthy, and focusing on the Wife and Mother I feel God is calling me to be are my focus points this year. 

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.


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